Best IT Management and Security Solutions for your Business

Synchnotech Solutions is a premier provider of comprehensive IT managed services, advanced IT security solutions, and strategic consulting. Our mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge technology, robust security measures, and strategic insights to drive efficiency, innovation, and growth.

About Us

Our services are driven by the desire to be the leading partner in IT excellence, delivering innovative solutions and strategic insights that drive business success. Our goal is to provide services that will empower businesses through technology, secure their digital landscape, and guiding them towards strategic growth. We are:

  • Client driven.
  • Result oriented
  • Innovative
  • Reliable and accountable

Our services focus on critical functions that help organizations optimize their IT infrastructure, safeguard against digital threats, and make informed strategic decisions to drive growth and efficiency.

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At Synchnotech, we offer the following services:

Cloud services

We are a leading provider of innovative cloud services designed to help businesses leverage the power of cloud technology for enhanced scalability, flexibility, and efficiency.

Managed IT Services

We provide Managed ICT services, dedicated to helping businesses optimize their IT infrastructure, enhance security, leverage cloud technologies, and drive strategic growth

Software Development

We are dedicated to the business development of our clients by offering services that cater to a wide range of needs in the software development lifecycle, from initial concept through to deployment and ongoing maintenance.


We offer a wide range of services that facilitate the integration of development and operations to streamline software development and deployment processes


Listen to what our numerous partners have to say about us

Faderera Adeyinka

Director of Finance

"Synchnotech solutions has revolutionized our IT infrastructure. Their proactive approach to IT management has significantly reduced our downtime and enhanced our operational efficiency. The team’s expertise and responsiveness are second to none. They truly understand our business needs and consistently deliver top-notch service."

Helen Egwenike

Head, Human Resources

"Partnering with Synchnotech Solutions for our cyber security needs has been one of the best decisions we’ve made. Their comprehensive security solutions and vigilant monitoring have protected us from numerous potential threats. Their incident response team is incredibly efficient and knowledgeable, giving us peace of mind in today’s volatile cyber landscape."

Olubunmi Dabiri

Consultant Paediatrician

"Synchnotech Solutions has been instrumental in our transition to the cloud. Their expertise in cloud strategy and management ensured a seamless migration with minimal disruption. They continue to optimize our cloud environment, providing us with the flexibility and scalability we need to grow. Their support and guidance have been invaluable."

Josiah Odemwingie

Head, Research & Development

"The strategic consulting services from Synchnotech Solutions have been a game-changer for our company. Their deep market analysis and tailored growth strategies have positioned us as leaders in our industry. They helped us navigate complex challenges and identify new opportunities, driving our business forward with confidence."

Otomoh Etekamba

Project Manager

"Since partnering with Synchnotech Solutions, we've seen substantial improvements in our IT efficiency and significant cost savings. Their expertise in IT management and cloud services has optimized our resources and reduced overhead costs. Their strategic consulting has also helped us streamline operations and boost our bottom line."

Frequently Asked Questions

As a service, we are, frequently inundated with queestions and we ensure that we respond to them all. Top of the list are:

How do you measure the success of your consulting engagements?

We measure success through key performance indicators (KPIs) tailored to each engagement, such as revenue growth, cost savings, process improvements, and customer satisfaction. We also conduct regular reviews to ensure our strategies are delivering the desired outcomes.

How do you customize your services to meet specific client needs?

We begin with a thorough assessment of each client’s unique needs, goals, and challenges. Based on this assessment, we tailor our solutions to align with their specific requirements, ensuring a personalized approach that delivers optimal results.

What is included in your IT management services?

Our IT management services include infrastructure management, end-user support, application management, proactive monitoring and maintenance, and backup and disaster recovery. We ensure your IT systems are efficient, secure, and reliable.

What strategic consulting services do you offer?

Our strategic consulting services include business strategy development, market analysis, operational efficiency improvements, technology strategy, change management, and financial advisory. We help businesses make informed decisions and achieve their strategic goals.

How do you handle a security breach if it occurs?

In the event of a security breach, our incident response team acts swiftly to contain and mitigate the impact. We follow a structured incident response plan, conduct a thorough investigation, and implement corrective actions to prevent future breaches.


For more enquiries, questions and others, do feel free to reach us:


61 Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos state, Nigeria

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